Finding more moments of joy

Since we’re talking about letting happiness happen this month, we think it’s important to note that finding little moments of joy really helps to break the happiness seal. We absolutely LOOOOOOVE this TED talk from Ingrid Fetell Lee a.k.a @aestheticsofjoy, as she reminds us that “joy is about feeling good in the moment, right now.” It’s all these little nuggets that can add up to one big happy meal, amiright?!

We’re also really vibing on this idea - “And yet, underneath it all there's a part of each of us that finds joy in the same things. And though we're often told that these are just passing pleasures, in fact, they're really important, because they remind us of the shared humanity we find in our common experience of the physical world." Even though we may all live very different lives, there are still so many of the same things that bring us joy. With so much going on in the world, it's important to remember this simple fact, and that allowing ourselves to experience joy, increases our capacity to help others experience more moments of joy too.

“The drive toward joy is the drive toward life”, so let’s all help each other get in the car and GO!

P.s. Ingrid had some really wonderful things to say about our Make Moves deck when she tried them including, “Each card feels like an invitation to carve out space in your life for joy, and I am happily RSVP-ing, YES!”. Check out her full post over on her Instagram account @aestheticsofjoy

pics from Ingrid Fetell Lee via @aestheticsofjoy IG